Return point: essential for immortality

Return point: essential for immortality

Josué Tai

Written by
Josué Tai

Have you ever wondered why high-performance athletes, such as soccer players, end their careers at 30 or something years old?

It's not because their body is no longer physical, mental, or emotionally capable, except for boxers, who imprint their body, specially their head, with a tremendous amount of physical damage and stress, but that's another story.

According to the Yellow Emperor texts, the human body is designed to live around 130 years.

So, what happens to these athletes, when in theory sport is good for health and even a constant recommendation from doctors and specialists?

The answer lies in an undermined concept called "energetic work" or "Qi Gong" /Chi Kung/

If you already have a reference to these terms or at some point you have heard about them, most likely you have face with some really esoteric terms and explanations, plus we have the misfortune that few people go deep enough into those areas (fortunately this has been changing) and preparation so the energy workoout becomes an easy topic for charlatans, however, its correct practice and theory have surprising results.

When you are born, your parents inherit you with an energy charge, known in Chinese culture as "essential Jing", that essence is basically your life kickstart trust or funds and that will give you the daily resources to travel through this existential plane for certain amount of years. These resources will be available to perform various actions, but above all to keep the body in balance, that is, to prolong the state of homeostasis.

How are those resources spent?

Since the stage is basically your gasoline, these resources are exerted in various aspects such as digestion, growth, protection against pathogens and in more subtle things that we do on a daily basis such as managing emotions, overeating, excessive exercise, work, lack of rest, consumption of energy drinks, drugs, uncontrolled or excessive sexual behavior, particularly for men, among others.

Every time you overeat, your body has to get extra resources, every time you drink a red bull, it's not the "red bull" that drains your energy, it's basically a substance that squeezes your resources and releases them to give you the extra punch, that is, if you feel tired, your daily allowance is over so if you want to keep going, you have to rest, but, if you drink a red bull to keep performing, you will be borrowing resources of the day Next. if you need a coffee to start the day, guess what? You are borrowing resources from the days ahead. Imagine that every day you exercise for 8 hours, you submit yourself to extreme fatigue, you are in constant competitive stress, guess what? you're borrowing resources from the days ahead.

In the end, your balance will suffer. Without a doubt there are people who smoke, drink, stay awake, exercise, skip meals and it seems that nothing affects them. Actually yes, they are spending their resources, perhaps their parents gave them a good initial inheritance, but the lack of care will decrease little by little until one day, the resources reach the limit and therefore, they become seriously ill.

In short, everything costs. At first you may not realize it, because there will be resources to give, but if you don't take care of them, you will be less and less resistant, sicker and eventually you will lose this ability to recover quickly.

How do I add them?

The first step to add is to stop spending. Apply the same principle of "the one who has the most is not rich, but the one who needs the least", it is correct, stop giving yourself a crazy life, start by respecting your rest schedules, stop consuming energy drinks, do sports in a measured way.

Let's say that first step will keep you in balance, without profit or loss.

Step number two, perform internal activities, as we saw with the Ice Popsicle analogy .

The practice of internal activities leads us to recover or cultivate Qi /chi/ and this in turn, through meditation and internal alchemy, can be converted into Jing.

If you develop these types of disciplines, then, you will begin not only to maintain balance but to add to your initial bank account, and if this is so, then you have just concluded correctly, you would be on a path to immortality that in a start and from the Taoist perspective it would be a "full longevity" and with enough gasoline for the trip back home, but this is another story.

Learn with me Tai Ji and the Internal Arts, take a free class and experience the world of energy work from a deep perspective.