You're like a popsicle!

You're like a popsicle!

Josué Tai

Written by
Josué Tai

I know that there are many aspects that we are ignoring here such as your genetic and energetic inheritance that gives rise to your initial constitution, etc., but for the sake of simplicity and this analogy, follow the simplified exercise with me.

When you go out into the physical world and carry out your daily activities, you could say that they are external or "Yang" type of activities and these activities would be like starting to blow hot air on your ice popsicle or walking with it under the sun.

If your activities are always external and mainly physical or Yang, you are in constant effort and stress. Take for example a professional football player or a high-performance athlete or if you decide to go into the gym everyday for a few a hours, what do you think will happen to your popsicle?

Over time, it starts to temper and begin to lose structure until the point where any sudden movement, blow or incident can break it or tear it and that is when, due to force majeure, your intense workouts must have a pause or end abruptly.

What to do then to keep the popsicle cold?

The idea would be to mediate it with "Yin" or Internal activities, these activities have an opposite effect to Yang activities, that is, they would help "cool" your popsicle, and they have nothing to do with activities in the snow or below zero, refers to activities that nourish the Yin part of the essence, for example:

  • Psychophysical disciplines such as Tai Ji, Qi Gong, Yoga, and I've discovered that conscious swimming is a great alternative too.
  • Philosophical readings and stories that invite us to reflect.
  • Meditation
  • Nurture your Kidneys and the Water element in you.

Among others. These types of disciplines, such as Tai Ji, help us to strengthen the body and at the same time, to nourish the essence. Practiced correctly, we will have a physical exhaustion (Yang), but we will have a greater energy return (Yin) or better known as "return point" , if we take it roughly, from 100% of the practice you would have a 40% expense and a 60% return, interesting, right?

Learn with me Tai Ji and the Internal Arts, take a free class and experience the world of energy work from a deep perspective and get the fundamentals to develop the Yin part of your preparation and keep your popsicle in perfect condition.