Daoist Arts

Internal Alchemy

A brief introduction

Daoism and Its Arts

A philosophy borned around 2,000 years back, derived from the patient observation and documentation of Nature and its cycles. Daoism took a hand from astrology, astronomy, matehmatics and early philosophy to help determine a highly accurate map of the flow of nature.

As a part of this knowledge compounding, a Cosmogony was established, a few classics were written and with it also a series of teachings in different areas of the daily human life that have the purpose of drafting the path for us to become one with nature and achieve immortality (fullness, longevity).

Some of these by-products are known as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tai Ji, Feng Shui, Yi Jing, Mian Xiang, Qi Gong, Internal Alchemy, etc.

Daoism is based on simplicity and syncretism, making it an evolving fine art that keeps knowledge, proves its effectiveness and refines it. Therefore, Daoism is a practical way of living that requires discipline and effortless effort to understand it. As we already know, "The Master teaches the trade, but the kung fu of the apprentice depends on himself”.

The Lineage

In terms of Martial Arts and Traditional knowledge it's important to understand the roots of the knowledge. A big part of my Daoist background comes from the San Feng Pai Family in Wudang.

Wudang Mountains in China have been known for hundreds of years as a sacred place for spiritual cultivation and profund development of Internal Arts or "Neijiaquan" (内家 拳), it's said than some of the most relevant Masters of Daoism were established there and their culture and heritage is well preserved in this region.

Pre Heaven Bagua The Lou Shu Wudang Post Heaven Bagua The He Tu

Learning with me

For the past 4+ years I've been teaching Daoist Arts in different levels, from basic meditation practice, Feng Shui principles to advance Tai Ji forms to athletes, top executives, university students, among others.

Take your first steps into this knowledge and together we can improve your harmony and wellbeing.

Get Started!

Qi Gong

QiGong Stance

Qi Gong is a way of harvesting essential energy that will be the base for internal alchemy and any other Daoist practice. This is the first recommended step to get back to the journey path.



Is the process of being present without judging or elaborating. Meditation is The base of relaxation and refinement of your Qi/Energy gathering, this will be my second recommended step.

Tai Ji

Tai Ji Practice

An Internal Art created in China about 600 years ago by a Daoist Sage name Zhang San Feng (张三丰). Considered a moving meditation boost the Qi gathering, develops a series of abilities. This is the 3rd recommended step.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui Practice

Originally called Kan Yu, is the art of applying all the Daoist principles to living spaces or final rest spaces. This practice require your knowledge and a deep understading od Daoist principles and Qi development. This is the 4th step.


Tai Ji sessions, workshops and other tailor-made classes for Companies and Organizations that seek improvement on the physical and psychological well-being of their collaborators.

This sessions can help to reduce problems derived from stress like low performance, low productivity, a tense work environment.

I have also available personal coaching for senior executives that want to maintain their general well-being through specialized sessions of Tai Ji, Qi Gong and Philosophy. This can help them to keep high performance and reduce ravages of fatigue.

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