When Feng Shui Doesn't Work - 4 Common Reasons

When Feng Shui Doesn't Work - 4 Common Reasons

Josué Tai

Written by
Josué Tai

My first experience with this art was during a very tough period of my life. We were having a family economic melting down, people around us were harsh and abusive. Fortunately for me, one of my friends just finished her studies in Feng Shui and was starting to give consultations.

She work on my case and after the consultation things started to work like magic, but I must say this was not an immediate change. It took a couple of months to explain my parents I was not crazy and this was art that wouldn't mess with their beliefs, there was the time it took to plan for the renovations, and waiting for the right time and date to start renovations. Then, when finished, about one more month for the adjustment to start showing results. After that, the situation continued improving.

This experience gave me a special appreciation for Feng Shui and I was eager to understand what happened and how that was possible. Modern technologies and library books were my initial teachers. I found a bunch of books and techniques that went from the internal house reference all the way to different fashion styling and interior design methods - I was on a roll for learning.

Around 8 books later and several searches, some similarities started to appear, particularly basics about the Daoist Philosophy and techniques. I thought that Feng Shui was crystal clear for me so I started to emulate the instructions at my office space and everywhere I could possible apply it.

Few months later and bit of a broken heart, my results where close to none, so, I started to read more and try more techniques, buying paintings, rocks, statues, coins, crystals (as recommended in some books), searching for something I must be missing about it. A few months later, results were still missing to appear.

That's where my in-depth learning started, I searched for my friends' Master and began a journey of blissful knowledge and practice with Internal Arts.

10 years later, with hundreds of hours of study, courses and experience in Daoist Arts, I can say Feng Shui is not as easy as it appears in books and most of the methods that are publicly available are methods called "Evergreen", this means, that they are the basic foundation that is very likely to stay valid for a long period of time (few hundred years), but they will take a long time to have an influence (say a few years).

This, in my experience, felt like it didn't "work," and without that previous convincing proof of work with my house, I most likely would have fallen under the idea that this was merely a scam.

With this in mind, I want to share the top 4 reasons I found Feng Shui may not be "working" for you:

1. Inadequate technique.

Feng Shui has two approaches, Timely and Evergreen.

Evergreen applications take time to show results, are steady, slow processes that will take most likely years to present auspicious outcomes, but those benefits will last for few generations. On the other side, timely Feng Shui is used to shorten that waiting period, that means, if you need results ASAP, this method will requiere as little as a couple of weeks to show improvements, but, as fast as they come, as fast as they go. You will need to keep up with changes that can be in the best case, every year, worse case, every month.

2. Lack of natural landforms support

Natural landforms are the actual Qi sources. Having a "live" mountain in the vicinity of your property is like having a wireless Internet connection within your reach. Yet, landforms require a precise analysis and the lack of good landforms may imply that the property has a limited reach or "energy" to propel you, a.k.a. you are mostly already in the max it can give, especially if you lived there for few years now. Improvements will require timely efforts.

3. Bad Measurements

Even though there are not "exact" Qi or energy boundaries to determine where it changes, a bad measurement can give dramatic effects if taken incorrectly, or render the full application useless. This was the problem with my house the first time. 0.5º correction was all it took.

4. Being underprepared

Feng Shui, contrary on what marketing may say, is not for getting rich by doing nothing. In business and prosperity matters, Feng Shui is to increase your opportunities, but, if you are underprepared or just enjoy the confort zone, none of those opportunities will get you far.

Finally, I would encourage you to contact me or your local Feng Shui Consultant and start taking advantage of this amazing tool that no more than 500 years ago was for Emperor's use only. It works like magic, so to speak, but you need a prepared professional.