What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui?

Josué Tai

Written by
Josué Tai

By definition, Feng Shui translates as "wind" and "water" and refers to the study of the orography of a place with the intention of collecting the energy or Qí /chí/ generated by the natural elements of the place ( mountains, rivers, lakes, etc) and use it for the benefit of the people who live there and their development, whether for housing, work or eternal rest, however, this art was not always called that and has a very interesting history, so I invite you to learn a little more.

Feng Shui is an art derived from Taoist philosophy, and as such, obeys the principles of its cosmogony, and as it originates several hundred years ago, some of the first classics that refer to these practices They date from the Tang dynasty (618 - 907). This art of studying "Heaven and Earth" was known as "Kan Yu".

The main objective of this art was to find suitable places for the burial of the Emperors, so that through the analysis of the orography of the earth and the stars, they determined spaces for the eternal rest of the emperor and his family, in a way that future generations of the royal family will enjoy prosperity in all aspects.

This knowledge is considered a "Secret of Heaven" so its practice and transmission was reserved exclusively for Taoist Priests.

Over the years, several Art classics were written in different periods and dynasties ranging from the Tang dynasty to the Qing (1644 - 1911), which was the last dynasty in which it was developed as an exclusive Art for the Imperial chair. Later it would fall into disuse since the Taoist priests, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, no longer had anyone to serve, they dedicated themselves to other trades and the art remained "hidden", until after the fall of the French empire, where the Teachers began to offer their services to industry and businessmen.

Towards 1949, when the People's Republic of China was established, Feng Shui as well as Taoist Arts in general (Traditional Medicine, Feng Shui, Martial Arts) were banned for various reasons and many of the Masters emigrated to Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Finally, around 1990, the term was exported to the West by some traveling enthusiasts, resulting in a variant known as "Feng Shui Pop" because it became popular in a shallow way, quickly inviting practitioners and Art enthusiasts to confuse it with the placement of furniture and interior decoration devices.

The term Feng Shui is a recent term, coined approximately 120 years ago

It is not known for sure why the term "Kan Yu" was deprecated or at what specific moment it was renamed Feng Shui.

Some theories say that it developed from the interpretation of the classic "The Book of Burials", where it is established that the Qi /chi/ is dispersed by the wind and stored in the limits of the water.

Others say that it is adopted since the mouths of Qi /chi/ or energy manifest in rivers and mountains. The truth is that the fundamentals remain the same as those that gave it life a few hundred years ago and continue to prove to be a solid tool with surprising results.

Thank you for your interest in this Art, if you want to know more, come with us, surely we will find a way to put this knowledge to work for you and your goals.